Maha Kumbhabhishekam Medical Donation

Medical Donation

Raise Funds for a cause

On the 70th Anniversary, Sri Subramania Samaj is launching a new hospital.

Share your contribution now!

Raise Funds for a cause

On the 70th Anniversary, Sri Subramania Samaj is launching a new hospital.

Share your contribution now!
“Donations can also be offered through direct remittance to our bank accounts. Details are provided as follows.”

Devotees desirous of offering any poojas may please remit the amount and send their names, birth star and gothram and UTR no without fail to:

For online Pooja booking:

Your contribution matters

Sri Subramania Samaj
S.B.Account No.50100506503360
With HDFC Bank, Tilak Nagar Branch, Mumbai
IFSC Code: HDFC0001444

For International Transaction

Sri Subramania Samaj
S.B.Account No. 40107260835
With SBI Bank, New Delhi Branch
IFSC Code: SBIN0000691